Non-invasive ventilation competencies for parents and carers
Please see below the competencies and guidance notes for parent and carer for non-invasive ventilation. The competencies outline the necessary knowledge and skills required to be achieved and demonstrated, whilst the guidance notes provide guidance to the assessor on what needs to be covered within each competency. It also acts as a resource book for the parent or carer. The guidance notes cover an array of ventilators. For more specific information on a particular ventilator please see manufacturing guidance.
Tracheostomy ventilation competencies
Please see below the competencies for parent and carer for tracheostomy. The competencies outline the necessary knowledge and skills required to be achieved and demonstrated, whilst the guidance notes provide guidance to the assessor on what needs to be covered within each competency. It also acts as a resource book for the parent or carer.
The tracheostomy competencies and guidance are in one document with many resources included kindly provided by Great Ormond Street Hospital. Some of the tracheostomy sections may not be relevant to your parent or carer, so these have been added to the later part of the document.
There are clearly outlined core competences that must be achieved as a minimum in the beginning of the document.
Invasive competencies
Please see below the competencies for parent and carer for invasive ventilation. The competencies outline the necessary knowledge and skills required to be achieved and demonstrated. Please then select from the separate tab the guidance notes for the ventilator relevant to the training with these notes providing guidance to the assessor on what needs to be covered within each competency. It also acts as a resource book for the parent or carer.